Simply measure distances

Whether it is your hiking trail or your running route , the size of a lake or the straight line between two places. Here you can quickly and easily see the distance between two or more locations.

No GPS tracker?

Do you want to know how long was the route you just hiked? Have you been jogging and explored new paths? When running and hiking you don't always have a GPS tracker with you and some people don't want to deal with it at all. Nevertheless, it is interesting to find out how long a running route or hiking trail was. Just measure the distance on this map and you know it.

Plan running and hiking trails

Are you looking for a new running route and would you like to jog in an area that is only partially known to you or do you have to cover a route with a certain distance? This is also very easy here. Click on the map several times and the individual markers will be connected automatically. At the end you will see the length of your walk.

Plan bike tours

Of course you can also mark out the paths you want to take with your bike on a tour.

Air lines, plot size, the size of a city

Simply place the two points on the map with a click and the distance will be displayed.

Instructions for measuring distances and route planning

Brief explanation of the most important functions.

Measure distances

Just click on the map and the positions will be marked. If there are several locations, you will see the total length of the connected points.

Delete waypoints

Click on the blue location symbol of your waypoint on the map. A popup opens with some information and a link to delete the point.

New waypoint between two existing ones

If you hit the connecting line between two waypoints, a cross will appear. Click the left mouse button and a new point will be inserted in this line.

Export route and reuse it later?

You can download your route data in JSON format or as GPX. To do this, click on the symbol on the left in the options bar with the arrow pointing to the right (share symbol). Here you can also upload a file that has already been downloaded. Many other applications also provide you with GPX files with routes. You can also upload them here.

User account?

In the options bar on the left is a person symbol. There you can register and log in to save many routes. Saved routes can be marked as public. These then have their own short URL that you can send to other people.

Public routes of registered users